Opening Keynote NestGen '24
Discover the transtormative potential ot drone-in-a-boxitechnology at Nesten 24s opening|keynote.L rom critical infrastructure to security, witness how autonomous drone operations are reshaping industries. Explore scalable integration frameworks, streamlined data processing, and robust flight safety. Join us to unlock new efficiencies and stay ahead in today's dynamic landscape
DJI Dock Deployment for Urban Smart Transportation - A Case Study
Watch how DJI Docks are deployed country-wide to regulate traffic, provide real-time analytics, and decrease congestion.
Advancing Search & Rescue Operations through Autonomous Drone Patrols
Delve into the applications of coastal UAV surveillance, from safeguarding coastlines to advancing public safety strategies.
Exploring On-Premise Docked Deployments for Air Quality Monitoring
Gain insights into how autonomous drones identify hot spots, aiding civil authorities in real-time rescue awareness and relief planning.
Enhanced Surveillance, Safety and Security with Sunflower Labs Beehive System
Enhanced Surv Security and Safety with Sunflower Labs